Performance FAQs

How to enable/disable acknowledge for review forms?

The review process is the procedure where employees� accomplishments and progress towards the objective and goals is evaluated. In certain cases, the performance admin may require the employees to acknowledge the review rating. Keka allows you to make these changes even after the initiation of the review cycle.

Let us take a look at how can we enable/ disable employee acknowledgment. 

Navigate to the Performance (1) section where you'll see the Reviews (2) tab. Under the Review Groups (3), select the required review group and then under the Review Cycles (4) tab, click on the View Progress (5) button which takes you to the review cycle dashboard.

Now, click on Additional Settings to open up the Settings section of the ongoing review cycle.

In the Additional Settings window, click on Release & scroll down the page. 

Once you find the option "Do you require employee�s acknowledgment for the final rating provided? ", then select Yes to enable employee acknowledgment or No to disable employee acknowledgment.