Leave & Attendance FAQs

How to delete a Holiday from the Holiday list?

    Holidays can vary from state to state depending on relevance and importance. Generally, an organization decides how many holidays will be provided to its employees throughout the year well in advance. In some cases, you may decide to make changes to your holiday list and remove a holiday from the list. You can do this with ease on Keka. 

    Below is the path from where you can delete a holiday.

    Go to the Time Attend (1) section, click on Shifts/Weekly Offs & Holidays (2), then go to the Holidays (3) tab.

    Select the desired Holiday List , under which you want to delete a particular holiday. Go through the list of holidays and click on the Delete Icon to delete that Holiday. 

    Past dated holidays cannot be deleted. Hence, the delete icon for those particular holidays will be inactive. 

    Once you click on the Delete Icon, a pop-up will appear on your screen asking you to confirm if you want to delete the selected holiday. Click on Yes, Remove to delete the holiday from the given holiday list, and you are done!

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