Leave & Attendance FAQs

How to check the employees added to a Geo Location for Geo Tagging in Remote Clock-in?

Geo Tagging is a process where you can assign a specific location to the employee for Clock-in. Employees who are assigned to a location can only clock-in once they are within the defined radius of the location.

To check the employees who are added to a Geo location in Keka go to Time Attend (1) and select Settings (2). Here move to Geo Locations (3) and search for the Location you want. Then under the Employees Assigned click on the Number (4) to view the employees.

Here you can also remove the employees by clicking on the Delete Icon available on the right or using the Checkbox and click Remove in case you would like to do it in bulk.

Hope the process to view the employees added to a geo location is now clear. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available.

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