Leave & Attendance FAQs

How to check Leave and Attendance Regularization Summary?

Due to human or machine error, employees may miss marking the attendance for a day because of which there may be penalizations based on the tracking policy. To avoid such penalties employers can give the option for employees to regularise their attendance. Regularisation can be done in two ways. You can either add attendance logs for the day or you can request for the day to be exempt from the attendance tracking policy. When employees are given the option to regularise their attendance, it becomes pertinent to record it and if needed download a report.

1) Check the Regularisation history of employees individually.

To check the regularisation history of an individual employee, in the Global Search enter the employee's name and go to the employee's profile.

In the Profile move to Time and select Attendance. Here click on Attendance Request.

Now scroll down and you will find Regularisation requests which contain the history of employee's past Attendance regularisation.

2) Download the Report for all Employees.

You can also download a regularisation report for all employees. To do this go to Time Attend (1) and select Reports (2).

Here scroll down to Attendance Request Reports and click on Attendance Regularisation Summary.

In the report select the Date range and click Run. Once the report is generated you can click on the Download Icon available to download the report.

Hope the process to see the regularisation history of employees is now clear. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available.

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