Payroll FAQs

How to change the EPF/EPS contribution of an employee?

The Employee Pension Scheme (EPS), or Employee Provident Fund (EPF), is a social security scheme implemented by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) in India. It is a part of the overall Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) scheme, which aims to provide retirement benefits to employees in the organized sector & is managed by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. 

Below is the 1st path:

Search any employee's name in the Global Search Bar (1), and then go to the Finances (2) tab. Then click on Summary (3), and you'll be getting the option to fill in the information for different contributions below. 

Scroll down on the same page and go to Statutory Information (1) and click on Fill in this information (2) under PF Account Information.

Once you click on Fill in this information, you'll be redirected to a below-attached page:

Once you reach this tab, fill in all the required details regarding PF and enable the toggle of Employee is a member of EPS. The contribution will be allocated to both EPF & EPS, and click on Update (as highlighted with an arrow mark in the above screenshot).

The 2nd path to edit the EPF/EPS contribution of an employee is: 

Go to the Payroll (1) section of the Keka Portal and click on Payroll Admin (2).  Now, click on Operations (3).

Once you reach the Operations tab, scroll down to Payroll Status, Tax Regime & Financial Details and click on Employees' Statutory Info as highlighted below with an arrow mark. 

Once you click on Employees' Statutory Info, you'll be taken to the below-attached screenshot.

There are 2 options: one is to bulk upload, and the second is to edit a single employee's PF details. 

In the above screenshot, if you click on Import Bulk (1), you'll be able to import the details of many employees in bulk. 

There are 3 steps to complete the Bulk Assignment Process. 

The first step would be to download the Excel file. Click on Excel Template (1) to do the same. The new Excel template sheet will be downloaded. 

Once the template sheet is filled with all the necessary data, you will have to upload it in Upload Excel File (2).


But if you click on the Edit (2) option in the Employees' Statutory Info page, you'll be getting a pop-up on the screen as shown below. 

Once you reach this tab, fill in all the required details regarding PF and enable the toggle of Employee is a member of EPS. The contribution will be allocated to both EPF & EPS, and click on Update (as highlighted with an arrow mark in the above screenshot).

The 3rd path to do the same is shown below: 

Go to the Payroll (1) section of the Keka Portal and click on Payroll Admin (2).  Now, click on Operations (3).

Once you reach the Operations tab, scroll down to Payroll Imports and click on Import Financial Information as highlighted below with an arrow mark.

Once you click on Import Financial Information, you'll be taken to the attached screenshot below.

There are 3 steps to complete the Bulk Assignment Process. 

The first step would be to download the Excel file. Click on Excel Template (1) to do the same. The new Excel template sheet will be downloaded. 

Once the template sheet is filled with all the necessary data, you will have to upload it in Upload Excel File (2).

This is how we change the EPF/EPS contribution of an employee.