Keka Hire FAQs

How to add Scorecard for different levels of interview process?


During an interview, the interviewer assesses a candidate based on various criteria. Scorecard in HIRE can be configured to help interviewers on what to assess the candidate on and also record the rating of the candidate for each of the criteria which later helps us to determine whether to hire the cadidate or not.

To Add Scorecard Go to Jobs (1) and select the Job Name (2) to which you would like to add the Scorecard.

In the Job go to Job details and select Hiring Flow. Here navigate to the Section where you would like to add the Scorecard and select Add Scorecard.

In the window, you can choose to Import from Library or Create New Section.

When you select Import from Library, the Scorecard that is added in the Library will be displayed. You can select questions using the Check Box and click Import

When you select Create new Section, You need to enter the Section Name and use the Checkmark to save it. Then Add skills/questions using the option provided. Once you have added all of the Skills/Questions use the Save option to Save the scorecard.

Once the Scorecard is added click Save again and the scorecard for the interview process will be saved. You can repeat this process with the other sections too in case you want to add scorecard to other sections of the interview too.

Hope the process to add scorecard is now clear. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available or Contact us!