Leave & Attendance FAQs

How can an employee request overtime?

    Overtime refers to the additional hours worked by an employee beyond their normal working schedule. The payment for overtime depends on the payroll policy of the company. However, there are certain regulations in place under various Acts that govern the payment of overtime to employees, workers, and laborers.

    In Keka, it is essential that if an employee works overtime, those hours should be reflected in their time entries for accurate calculation of overtime pay. Many organizations have an approval chain in place, where employees need to apply for overtime and have it validated before receiving the additional compensation.

    Now, let's take a look at how an employee can apply for overtime in Keka.

    An employee can apply for overtime by going to Me (1), navigating to Attendance (2), and selecting Overtime Requests (3). Under overtime requests click on Request Overtime (4).

    In the window, select the Date  you have worked overtime. If your organization policy allows you to apply for a future date, you can also select a future date for the overtime in case you are working overtime in the future. 

    Then select the Number of Overtime Hours, you can also leave a Note (7) mentioning the reason for overtime which can be seen by the approvers. Lastly, select the employee you would like to Notify  if any, or you can skip it. Once these are done you can click Request button.

    Hope it is clear how employees can apply for overtime in Keka. Need more help? You can refer to our other articles available or Contact us!

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