Using the dashboard – Widgets, Posts, and Interaction Made Simple

Understand how to use the Keka's home page with dashboards, widgets, posts and other features




    When an employee logs in to Keka, their initial view is the dashboard. This space is designed with user-friendly widgets, presenting data visually. Admins have the power to tailor this dashboard, showcasing the most crucial information, aiding them in making informed decisions and effectively managing tasks.

    Furthermore, the Dashboard serves as an organization and department wall. Employees can post updates and stay informed about recent happenings in their company and department.


    The dashboard is neatly divided into two sections: The Quick Access (1) section on the left contains many useful widgets and on the right side is the Wall (2) where you can post announcements and have the option to interact with the post in the form of comments or reactions.

    Quick Access Widgets

    Widgets on a dashboard are small, interactive elements designed to provide a snapshot of information, enabling users to take immediate actions or dive deeper into specific areas within the Keka portal.

    Admins can customize their dashboard by adding, removing, or rearranging widgets based on their preferences and needs. To learn how to do the same, click here.

    The availability of widgets is contingent upon your organization's portal setup. Furthermore, access to these options is determined by the admin's configuration.

    Now, let's explore a couple of widgets and see what they can do for you. 


    This is a very versatile widget, which not only displays the current date and time but also provides you with essential features for your work.

    You can easily log your attendance using the Web Clock-in function, and when you're finished, just as effortlessly, use the Web Clock-out

    Furthermore, explore more options from the drop-down menu, including Remote Clock-in for off-site check-ins, Work from Home requests with specific dates, reasons, and notifications, On Duty notifications for work outside the office, and the ability to request Partial Day offs by specifying duration, reason, and notifications. 

    Project Time

    If you are assigned to any project in your company that demands timesheet submission, the Project Time widget enables you to directly access the Timesheets section, from where you can submit the timesheet. If you want to learn more about managing your timesheets, click here.


    The Inbox widget provides a quick overview of pending tasks that need your attention. To address these tasks, simply click the Take Action button.


    The Holiday widget shows you the upcoming holiday based on your holiday calendar. To view the entire list of holidays for the year, simply click on "View all."

    On Leave Today & Working Remotely

    These widgets provide real-time updates about your team's attendance. The On Leave Today widget displays team members who have requested leave for the current day. Similarly, the Working Remotely widget shows members who are working from home or on duty for the day.

    Leave balances

    The Leave Balances widget provides a quick overview of your available leave count. To apply for leave, just click on Apply Leave. While this feature displays balances for specific leave types, you can access a comprehensive view of balances by selecting View All Balances.

    Quick Links 

    The Quick Links widget provides the organization's admin with the ability to add crucial links that employees can readily access. This enhances convenience by eliminating the need for employees to search for these important resources.


    On the Keka Home page, you'll find the organization wall—a dynamic platform for employers to connect with their workforce through announcements, polls, surveys, and more. By default, this space allows employees to contribute, making their posts visible to the entire organization. However, the organization's admin has the power to regulate this. They can opt to limit posting rights exclusively to administrators if necessary.

    In addition to the main organization wall, Keka offers separate walls tailored for various departments. If you are a part of several departments within your organization, you can easily select the desired department from the dropdown menu for targeted engagement.

    Making a Post

    To post something, just type your message in the space provided. If you want to mention someone, use "@" before their name. You can also add images by clicking the image icon, and emojis by clicking the emoji icon.

    Then, Decide if you want to share your post with the entire organization or just a specific unit/department from the dropdown, then click Post.

    Making an Announcement

    To create an announcement, simply enter its title and details. You have the option to notify employees and request acknowledgement. Additionally, you can schedule a specific time, after which the announcement will be hidden. After selecting where you want to post it, just hit the Post button.

    Conducting a Poll

    If you want to get opinions from your peers, simply head to the Poll tab. Provide a title and options, and you can even set an expiration date, notify participants, and maintain anonymity. Select your desired posting location, and then just click Post.

    Giving Praise

    To express appreciation for a colleague, navigate to the Praise tab. Search for them by name, specify the reason for the praise, and select a badge. Additionally, you can attach files to your praise. Afterwards, decide on the posting location and click the Post button.

    Daily Updates

    The wall includes a section showcasing current-day events such as birthdays, work updates, anniversaries, and new joinings. It also provides insights into upcoming birthdays, work anniversaries, and a detailed list of new team members.


    With this, you're all set to maximize the potential of your Keka dashboard.