Manage Helpdesk Tickets on Keka Mobile App

    Efficient ticket management is essential for smooth operations and Keka's Mobile App puts the power in the hands of helpdesk administrators. On the app's homepage, admins can effortlessly manage and take action on tickets with just a click.

    Centralized Ticket Management:

    The app's homepage displays the helpdesk admin section, allowing admins to access, review, and close tickets effortlessly.

    This page contains Open and Closed tabs. In the Open tab, you can find the tickets that are pending resolution. In the closed tab, you will find the past-dated tickets that were closed.

    Actions that can be performed in the Open tab:

    The open tab contains tickets that are yet to be resolved. Keka provides an option of prioritizing these tickets based on High, Medium, and Closed priorities. Additionally, you can also perform tasks such as changing the status of ticket, modifying the category, modifying followers, and ownership.

    Effortless Ticket Closure:

    With just a click, admins can close tickets, ensuring that requests are resolved in a timely manner. You can also reopen a closed ticket from this tab.


    Keka's Mobile App is the ultimate tool for helpdesk admins, that simplifies ticket management and ensures that support requests are handled with ease.