Managing Pending Feedbacks on Keka Mobile App

The Keka mobile app is designed to simplify and streamline your interview feedback process, allowing you to stay on top of your feedback tasks anytime, anywhere. As an interviewer, providing timely and structured feedback is crucial in the hiring process, and with Keka’s mobile-friendly interface, managing your feedback responsibilities has never been easier. Here’s how you can effectively handle pending feedbacks through the Keka mobile app.

Accessing Pending Feedbacks

To access the 'Hire' Tab, open your Keka mobile app, navigate to the "Me" tab, and then select the "Hire" tab to enter the recruitment management section.

After selecting 'Pending Feedbacks,' you will see an overview displaying the total number of feedback items awaiting your response. 

Each candidate's feedback request will include details such as the position they've applied for, the interview round, and the due date for the feedback. It will also highlight how overdue the feedback is, which helps in prioritising which feedback to submit first.


To add your feedback, simply tap on 'Add Feedback' below the the respective candidate's card and enter your observations and recommendations.

If you need to decline providing feedback, swipe right on the candidate's feedback request to reveal the 'Decline' option.

Selecting this requires you to specify a reason for your decision, ensuring transparency and keeping the recruitment team informed.

You can also use filters to sort feedback requests by job titles such as 'Product Designer' or 'Senior Product Designer'. 

To apply filters, select the desired criteria at the top of the 'Pending Feedbacks' screen and tap 'Apply' to refine the list to show only the relevant positions.

By offering easy-to-use swiping actions, feedback filters, and direct access to feedback forms, Keka ensures that you can manage all aspects of feedback management directly from your mobile device. This not only enhances your productivity but also contributes to a smoother and faster recruitment workflow overall.